As of November 2024, CHEO has joined other partner health organizations and offer several services closer to home for children, youth and families in Orléans through the Aline-Chrétien Health Hub (ACHH).
What services are offered at the Aline-Chrétien Health Hub?
Several CHEO clinics, services and programs offer services through the ACHH for children and youth aged 0-17, in addition to the care they continue provide at CHEO’s main campus and other existing community locations:
- Social Work
- Infant and Child Development
- Clinic for Augmentative Communication
- Transition Age Youth
- School Based Rehabilitation Services
How to access CHEO services through the Aline-Chrétien Health Hub
For existing CHEO patients and clients: If you are already receiving care through one of the programs above, talk to your care team about whether it is possible to schedule your next appointment(s) at the Aline-Chrétien Health Hub.
For children, youth and families not already receiving care through CHEO: Follow CHEO's usual referral process for the clinic, service or program you are looking to be referred to - click the links above to learn more about each service! When it is time to book your first appointment, talk with the intake worker/your care team to ask if it is possible to schedule your next appointment(s) at the Aline-Chrétien Health Hub.

This service at the Aline-Chrétien Health Hub is offered by the CHEO.
Main Hall, near Wing A
By appointment only