Food and Delivery Services offer four types of services:
- Meals on wheels
- Frozen meals
The EORC coordinates and delivers these services.
New to the Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre? Register by calling 613-741-6025 ext. 300 or visit the EORC website.
Providing access to healthy well balanced meals delivered to your door. Hot ready to eat meals are available Monday to Friday. Special dietary accommodations available.
Enjoy the convenience of choosing from 100+ frozen meal options from our providers Apetito and TimeSaver Foods. Ordered and delivered bi-weekly.
Centre des ressources de l'Est Ontarien

This service at the Aline-Chrétien Health Hub is offered by the Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre.
Wing G, Room 1G301
Monday to Friday,
8:30 a.m. to ;4:30 p.m.
(September to May)
Monday to Friday,
8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(June to August)