The epidural clinic specializes in the management of chronic lower back pain with a sciatic component. You may eat and drink before coming to this clinic.
IMPORTANT: Please let us know if you are taking anti-coagulants (to thin your blood). We will give you the necessary instructions to stop taking them before your procedure.
A nurse meets with the patient a few minutes before their meeting with the doctor. She asks a few questions about the patient's medical condition and the medication list.
She takes the time to explain the procedure and then assists the doctor with the procedures. Afterwards, she makes sure the patient is doing well and gives him the necessary information for his return home.
If the request for a consultation is accepted, your office will receive an acknowledgement of receipt and an estimated wait time, based on the priority of the appointment, once the specialist has evaluated the clinical information. We will contact your patient directly a few weeks prior to the appointment date.
Hôpital Montfort

This service at the Aline-Chrétien Health Hub is offered by Hôpital Montfort.
This service requires a medical referral.
Wing A, 1A700
Wednesday and Thursday
7 a.m. à 3 p.m.