Wraparound works with existing supports and services to help families, children and youth with complex needs find solutions and work towards a better life.
Teams made up of family members, friends, professionals, and others with a strong commitment to the family’s well-being come together to “wrap” individual families in community supports.
Together they create and implement an action plan that builds on the family’s strengths, provides services to meet their needs, and guides them towards achieving their goals.
For more information, visit YSB's website.
Bureau de la jeunesse

This service at the Aline-Chrétien Health Hub is offered by Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa.
This service is also available by videoconference or telephone.
Wing M, Room 1M601
Every day, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
(+ some evenings)
email: info@ysb.ca