The Adult Day Program is offered through the Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre.
To register for the program, please call the Home and Community Care Support Services Champlain at 613-310-2222.
The adult day program provides supervised activities in a group setting for older adults and older adults with Alzheimer disease or related disorders, dementia or physical disability. This service assists the participants to achieve and maintain their maximum level of functioning, to prevent early or inappropriate institutionalization and provides respite and caregiver support to significant others.
The young onset dementia day program provides supervised activities in a group setting for adults with Alzheimer disease, related disorders or dementia. This service supports elements of independence and choice and recognizes the importance of age appropriate programming while providing respite and caregiver support to significant others.
Centre des ressources de l'Est Ontarien

This service at the Aline-Chrétien Health Hub is offered by the Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre.
This service is also available by videoconference or telephone.
This service requires a medical referral.
Wing G, Room 1G324
Monday to Saturday
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.